Olivia is doing really well. She is now 3 months old. She smiles, laughs, coos and gurgles. She has very expressive eyebrows. She weighs about 12 pounds and has an exellent appetite. I am happy to report that Olivia is now sleeping through the night a few nights a week. She's very active; she is starting to hold her own head up for longer periods and loves kicking and swinging her arms around.
Olivia was treated to many special gifts over the holidays from friends and family. My family and friends have been a wonderful support.
Everyday I learn something new about Olivia. We are getting to know one another. This month I learned that Olivia loves hearing bedtime stories, listening to the CBC (105.7fm) and yelling. Last week I recorded some of her noises on my cell phone.
Motherhood is so special. The relationship grows everyday. Having Olivia in my life has been a tremendous highlight.
This month I plan to start working on getting back into shape. I take Olivia in the stroller and my two dogs out walking for about 45 minutes everyday. I've arranged childcare with my family so that I can start running twice a week. Finally, my diet has been all over the map for the last few months, so I'm starting Weight Watchers as well. I spent some time this evening preparing my food for the week. I also have a book where I can record my food journal and points. I'll keep you posted on my progress.