My dear, sweet Olivia is growing so quickly. She runs around,climbs,dances, plays "peek-a-boo" and practices doing sommersaults. She's also a big fan of creating enormous messes wherever she goes:)
She lets me know what she likes and doesn't like. For example, Olivia really enjoys going swimming. She shrieks and laughs and kicks her feet with delight. Olivia really doesn't enjoy getting her hair combed. She yells, tries to block the comb with her hands and tries to wriggle away from me.
She has started waking up at around 7:30 or 8:00am, which is great. For the past 3 or 4 months, she was waking up at 5:00am which was really hard for me. I'm not a morning person, regardless of when I go to bed the night before. So at the moment I sort of feel like a lady of luxury.
The holidays went really well. Olly was able to spend some time with her aunt and uncle from Switzerland. The forecast is calling for snow this evening. If so, I'll take her out in her new sled tomorrow.