It has been a very busy week. Olivia is changing everyday. She's awake for most of the day with a couple short naps. In the evening from about 7pm-11pm she has been very colicky, crying inconsolably for hours and pulling her little legs up to her chest. This evening I gave her some gripe water which helped considerably. After about 11om or midnight, Olivia has been sleeping throughout the night, with a few short wake ups for feeding. I have started taking baths with her, she seems to find this soothing. One of her toys emits the sound of running water which she finds very calming as well. Finally, my friend Dawn told me that making a shhhhh'ing sound will sooth an upset baby. It works like a charm!
As for me, I'm grateful to be getting some sleep at night. I also try to catch a nap during the day. This week I started taking Olivia out in the stroller along with my two little dogs. We've been going down to the local trails. It's very relaxing. The cool air is refreshing and it's a great way for me to lose the remaining baby weight.
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