Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Olivia-17 Months

My dear Olivia is growing so quickly. She's wearing size 5 diapers. For clothing, she's wearing 18-24 months; for shoes, she's into a size 5. She runs, dances, climbs and loves practicing going up and down stairs with mummy.

She nows says the following words:


She understands much of what she hears. If you ask her where her coat is, she will walk over to the closet and point. If you ask her where her "blanky" is, she will go to the bed, pick it up and bring it to me. She receives a lot of encouragement and seems very pleased with herself:)
She will point to her hair, teeth, tummy and toes when asked where they are.

After 17 labour-intenive months, I am starting to feel more rested and relaxed. Before I had a Olivia, I had zero concept of how hard parents work and how the first while is exhausting. I am fortunate to have some very supportive and loving people in my life who have guided me through this time. I am very thankful.

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