Thursday, October 13, 2011

Miss.Olivia - 2 years old!

I can hardly believe that my little girl is 2 years old already.
I remember the moment she was born and placed into my arms.
She was very quiet, but her eyes were very bright and wide open.
I said "hello there, welcome to the wolrd Olivia. You are so pretty!"
The doctors took her briefly to examine her and make sure she was okay...
she wasn't crying or making any sound. She was fine though, thankfully.
Perhaps she was just trying to take everything in. Her first cry came the following morning. Being a new, unexperienced mom, I wasn't sure what to do. The nurse suggested that naybe she needed a diaper change. Sure enough, she was right. I changed her little diaper and she went back to sleep. I barely slept the first few days after she was born. I kept hopping out of bed to gaze at her sleeping. I was so excited to bring her home from the hospital. I couldn't wait to start our new life together. I was glued to my dear Olivia at all times. I had lots of questions and lots of anxieties. Everything was so new. Family and friends were helpful in the baby wisdom department. As for the anxieties..I just had to face them. I was scared to drive with her...I was so afraid of a car accident. I didn't want to take her for walks in the stroller at first. Again, I had worries. But I got past all of that with practice. I'm still a big Mama Bear though.

Over the next two years we have swam together, gone on countless car,train, bus and stroller rodes. We have explored books and toys. We had a moving truck fire where we lost everything. But we built our home up again slowly.
We have gone camping, to playgroups, the beach, the library and recently, ballet lessons. She's grown to be a very strong, solid, expressive little girl who is loved by everyone she meets. I've grown as a person. The focus of my life is creating a good life for Olivia and myself. We are surrounded by terrific family, friends and neighbors.

It has been a good to years. The best two years of my life. As an added note, I finally lost all of my baby weight. It took 2 years, but I did it!
The first year I didn't really lose any weight. However, for the past year, I have been eating smaller portions, making smoothies, walking and chasing after my little boot camp instructor "Miss Olivia."

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