Olivia is growing like crazy. I'll be taking her to get weighed next week. I'm guessing that she's nearly 17lbs. She has a very healthy appetite. She drinks about 32 oz of formula. She loved pureed bananas, applesauce, sweet potato and carrots.
She gets so much sleep. I'm in heaven! She's such a wonderful little person. She's so expressive. She LOVES to cuddle! Olivia brings me so much joy and I am very lucky.
As for me, I did start lifting free weights 3 times a week. I'm also doing crunches to strengthen my abs. I'm still walking an hour a day. I also realised that I really needed to clean up my diet. So I'm eating relativly clean throughout the week and then I choose a day on the weekend to eat whatever. Just one day though. I'm eating lots of Greek salad, beans and lentils, whole grain rice, fruits vegetables and nuts. I'm looking for a creative recipe for tofu. It's importand to have a good balance of proteins and carbs. I'd like to look at doing some work in the gym once a week.
Me and Olivia start "Water Babies" in a couple of weeks. We're going Bathing Suit and sunglasses shopping this week. I think we'll have so much fun. Can't wait!
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