Olivia is getting so big!
She's around 15 lbs. She has a very healthy appetite, sleep schedule and is very alert when awake. I love being a mom. Seeing Olivia laugh or smile is such a joy.
I continue to appreciate help from my family. Recently, a couple I know has been super helpful as well. We are very blessed.
In her fifth month, Olivia is now rolling onto her stomach, grabbing for her bottle, pushing her spoon away, supporting her own head for longer periods and has started teething. Last night she screamed for about 3 hours because her little mouth was so sore. I tried giving her a cold cloth to suck on, massaging her gums, using her teething ring, giving her a bath and Baby Tylenol. Nothing seemed to work. She finally exhausted herself and slept for a long time. I will continue to try to find ways to comfort her while teething.
I wrote a short children's book recently. Now I'm going to find some drawing books so that I can illustrate it. It has been a fun little project.
Getting back into pre-baby shape has been a lot of work for me. I walk at least an hour every day. I think I'm going to start doing some free weights at home. For the most part, my diet is pretty good, I think. For the next few days, I'm going to keep a food journal and email it to the dietician that I see. Perhaps she can identify why the scale isn't moving. I have about 35 pounds to lose.
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