I still haven't found a balance. I'm constantly searching, but I'm still looking. This week, my two year old threw some really serious tantrums. She was screaming, she was lying down on the floor and kicking, she throws crayons, books, food, clothes toys, you name it. i often wonder what I was like at 2. Probably the same. Every night I pray for patience and guidance. I am a single mother, it's all upto me. I thank God, because my patience is strong. Yes, I have my moments of sheer frustration. Luckily, I have some tools:
1.) I have my breath. I can always take long, slow deep breaths. As I breath in, I think "in with the positive." As I exhale, I think "out with the negative." This helps me a great deal and I can't do it anywhere.
2.) The second thing I do when I need to destress is walking. It's winter here in Vancouver, so I bundle me and my daughter up, I put her in the stroller with some snacks and we head out for a walk. I walk off the stress, we both get some fresh air and a change of scenery and return feeling calm and content.
3.)The third thing I do to relieve stress is call another mom freind when my daughter is sleeping. By the end of the day, we both have some story to share about our days as mothers. After we vent, we somehow seem to be able to put a humorous spin on the days events. Laughing with a freind really helps.
I absolutley love being a Mother, but holy cow, it is strenuous and challenging at times. I want to send a shout out to all the moms out there, you're amazing and wonderful. Give yourself credit. We have an important role in this world.
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