The last few months have been very busy. Good but busy.
Olivia is now 2 1/2 yrs old, she weighs 42lbs, towers over most two year olds, wears a size 9 in shoes and a 4 in clothing!
Needless to say, she's a very solid little girl. She's solid and she's energetic!
Our days are spent going to Playgroup, various parks, the library and swimming.
With Olivia, this is an absolute necessity. When she's not stimulated, she gets grumpy and walks around with what I call "the mean mug;” furrowed brows, nostrils flaring and frowning. It’s actually sort of comical.
When she's had a full day of activity, she's chatty, engaging and so snuggly.
I've been working hard to create more balance in our lives.
When she goes to Playgroup, I go to the gym or take a spinning class. This provides me with the opportunity for "me time," exercise and stress release.
Playtime with Olly:
Whether we go to the beach, park or swimming pool, I've been trying to be as present and engaged as possible with Olly. I realize that the years will pass quickly.
I must savor this time. Plus, she’s a lot of fun!
Another activity, which helps me a great deal, is reading. After putting Olivia to bed, cleaning and reorganizing the house, I like to curl up with a good book for an hour before bed. Reading stimulates my brain and imagination. I enjoy getting a glimpse into other countries and places in the world.
Reading with Olly:
I started taking Olivia to the library when she was five months old. We go to the Library once a week and choose 2 or 3 books to read at bedtime.
Olivia loves the stories, but she is also beginning to point out and name objects, colors and shapes. I'm often quite amazed at how observant she is.
Social Life:
I have been making more time to have coffee with friends, go for a walk or simply talk on the phone. I find that taking the time to laugh, vent or just be silly really recharges my batteries.
Since I’ve grown into my 30’s, I’ve gained an appreciation for cleanliness and organization. I find this even more so, now that I’m a Mother. I still have the appreciation and the motivation, but I’ve come to realize that when you have a two year old, it’s important to handle the important household tasks, but it’s ok to relax a little. After all, I think if Olivia had the choice between a bike ride and a perfectly organized kitchen, she’d probably choose the bike ride.
Finally, I continue to approach parenting and life in general with an attitude of gratitude. I am thankful that both Olly and I are happy, healthy and safe. I am also extremely grateful to have a terrific family and great friends.
I love being a Mother. I love my daughter Olivia.
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